Saturday, December 5, 2009

When are long previews too long?

The other day I went to see Juno. As the previews started, I checked my watch. I have started a habit of seeing how long the previews are. That night's showing set a new personal record: 24 minutes.

24?! Are you kidding me?! I could have pre-downloaded a sitcom and watched the whole thing instead of sitting through all this. Oh, and let's not forget some theater chains actually runs commercials and other movie enticers before the previews. The pre-previews. They're running whenever you get in. Regal Cinemas, I'm looking right at you! If you get to a Regal Cinema showing too soon around here, you can be inundated with 40 minutes of commercials easy!

Have you ever sat through so many previews, that by the time the movie started, you forgot what you came to see? Ever been tempted to leave because the previews ran so long, you could be late for something else if you stayed for the movie you PAID to see?

How long can you usually abide previews until you've seen more than enough?

When are long previews too long?sheet music

Wow! I'v noticed that depending on what theater I go to it depends on how many previews they show. Like if I go to a new release (first night ) then they show usually 1-3 maybe 4 previews but when I go to one that has been out a while then they show alot. The drive in usually only shows 1 or 2. I think it depends on what theater you go to.

The thing that drives me crazy is Cinemark (formally Century Theaters) and their showing of television comercials I hate that! I didn't pay $6.50 to see a car advert that I could have seen on tv for free.

And yes there have been times where they have showed so many previews that I forgot what I was seeing.

How long can I abide depends on what the previews are. I go to the movies alot so I end up seeing the same preview each time I go and usually that drives me crazy expecially if its for a movie that looks dumb.

When are long previews too long?state theatre opera theater

I don't know where you live. But if the movie is long there are hardly any previews . But when there is a short movie, they fill those hours with them. And ads.

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